недеља, 23. октобар 2016.

Srbija/Region (Ex-Jugoslavija) selekcija - Show your skills!

Dario Kesegi (Srbija),  dokumentarni, 3'

Kratki dokumentarac o terorima sa kojima se glavni lik suočava svaki dan.
Short documentary about terrors that our main character has to deal from day to day.

Ana Žugić (Srbija), igrani, 10'

Otac (50) traži kofer svoje kćerke (23) u podrumu zgrade gde se neočekivano pojavljuje devojčica (9). Ona magično zaključava sva vrata, otac mora da igra po njenim pravilima.
Devojčica forsira čoveka da nađe kofer, koji je simbol prošlosti i njenog detinjstva. Jedini način za njega da se oslobodi prošlosti, jeste da bude iskren prema sebi i shvati gde je pogrešio - tada će neko otvoriti vrata, ali ko će to biti?

Father (50) is looking for his daughter's (23) suitcase, in the basement of their building. Down there quite unexpectedly, a little girl (9) appears, she magically locks all doors, and now father must play by her rules.
Little girl is pushing father, to find that suitcase, which is symbol for the past and her childhood.
The only way for him to let past go, is to be honest to himself, to understand where he did wrong, then someone will open those locked doors, but who will be that?

Dean Radovanović (Srbija), igrani, 29'

Nastavnik u osnovnoj školi odlazi u sumnjivu posetu roditeljima jednog od svojih učenika.
Elementary school teacher pays a suspicious visit to his pupil's parents.

Goran Dević (Hrvatska), igrani, 22'

U nedelju, devetogodišnji dečak, čiji su roditelji razvedeni posećuje svog oca, doktora. Dečak se ljuti na oca jer mu ne dozvoljava da uvede svog psa u stan. On odbija svaki vid komunikacije. Otac mora hitno na intervenciju do sela, ali ne može da ostavi sina samog. Ono što dečak doživljava u selu promeniće njegov život zauvek.
On Sunday, a nine-year old boy whose parents are divorced, visits his fathers, a doctor. The boy is angry at him for not allowing him to bring his dog to the apartment. He rejects any form of communication. Father needs to go on a medical intervention to the village but he cannot leave the boy alone in the apartment. What the boy experiences at the village will change him for life.

Sanja Bistričić (Hrvatska), dokumentarni, 11'

Film je o ljubavi i mržnji, odrastanju i prihavatanju. Đuro je hrvatski panker koji u srcu nosi rane prošlosti koje su ga obeležile iracionalnom mržnjom prema svemu što je u vezi sa njegovom državom. Kroz buntovnost i provokaciju, njegov pankerski pogled na svet i način života napreduju obavijeni mržnjom. Kroz kombinaciju okolnosti njegov svet je promrdan nakon što se zaljubljuje u srpkinju Elviru. Ovo je priča o tome kako život postavlja smešne i lekovite paradokse da bi nas naučio o ljubavi izvan krvavog nasleđa.
The film is about love and hate, coming of age and acceptance. Đuro is a Croatian punk boy who carries in his heart the wounds of a past which have marked him with an irrational hatred of everything unrelated to his country. Through rebellion and provocation, his punk world-view and way of life grow blemished with loathing and rage. Through a combination of circumstances, his world is shaken up after he meets and falls in love with Elvira, a Serbian girl. This is the story of how life can sometimes set us up with funny and healing paradoxes to teach us about a love which is above the heritage of blood.

Vanja Mervič (Slovenija), eksperimentalni, 6'

Mikroskop nam omogućava uvid u mikro i nano svet organskih ili neorganskih materija. Umetnost inspiriše tehnologiju ili je inspirisana njome. Uvod u nepoznato otkriva simbiozu na svim nivoima. Žvakaća guma je obična stvar, odbacimo je nakon korišćenja. Prežvakana je nanovo i nanovo kao i ideje, misli, umetnost. Objektivnim pogledom na stvari, žvakaća guma postaje artefakt, deo ljudske istorije
kao objekat bez vrednosti. Postaje objekat istraživanja i dobija na značaju
duvajući balone na mikroskopskom nivou.
Fascination spurs out of the amazing technology we have today. The Scanning Electron Microscope enables us to go into the micro scale and nano scale of objects, might be organic or inorganic. Art or inspires technology or it is inspired by it. The view into the unknown is revealing of the symbiosis of the processes on all levels. What we see are processes beforehand not seen by people. We could have only felt them. Chewing gum is an ordinary object, not much thought about. We discard it after use. It is something that has been chewed over and over again. The same as with thoughts, ideas, art, etc. Also a chewed, discarded object has an internal life on its own. Due to an objective view on the subject, the chewing gum becomes an artifact, a piece of human history. As an object without a particular value it becomes an object of research and it gains value. Blowing bubbles on a micro scale on its own, for itself.

Dušan Zorić (Srbija), igrani, 21'

Dečak sa poremećajem sna bori se da postane čovek kakvog je zamislio njegov otac. Žena iz drugog grada dolazi i peva za njih.
Boy with a sleeping disorder struggles to become a man his father wants him to be. A woman from out of town comes and sings for them.

Marko Backović (Srbija), igrani, 14'

Devojke nestaju iz grada. Svake večeri Majkl izlazi i postavlja postere njegove nestale devojke. Jedne večeri sreće devojku u autobusu koja će sledećeg dana nestati. Opet, on odlazi u noć da pronađe momka koji je bio sa nestalom devojkom prošle večeri. Prateći tragove upada u podzemne prolaze gde otkriva bolnu istinu.
Girls are disappearing in town. Every night Michael goes out and puts up posters around the city of his missing girlfriend. One night he meets a girl in a bus who will disappear the next day. Again, he goes with the same night line in order to meet the boy he had seen the night before with the missing girl. Following the trail falls into the underground passages where encounters painful truth.

Noemi Zonta (Slovenija), animirani, 2'

Film nas vodi na putovanje kroz Pevčekove stihove literarno ili apstraktno prevedene u svet dvoje imaginarnih likova. Klavir nas vodi iznad oblaka, jurimo cveće i lutamo raznobojnim brdima, ukrcavamo se na leteći brod tok gledamo kuće koje rastu na stabljikama, dok konačno ne dođemo do metaforičnog prikaza Pavčekovog principa – probaj opet i opet i opet.
The film take us on a journey among Pavček's verses literary or abstractly conveyed in an imaginary world of two characters. A piano takes us above the clouds, we chase flowers and roam colourfull hills, board a flying ship to watch houses growing on stems, to ultimately come to a metaphoric depiction of Pavček's "principle": Try again and again and again.

Marina Uzelac (Srbija), igrani, 24'

Herostrat je kratki film po motivima istoimene pripovetke Sartra iz knjige Mučnina, reči, zid. Ime dolazi od drevne priče o Herostratu, čoveku koji je srušio hram u Efesu, jedno od 7 svetskih čuda. U modernoj kulturi njegovo ime je arhetip “crnog heroja”, i sinonim za osobu koja želi da postane poznata po svojim zločinima.
"Herostrat" is a short film made by the motives of the eponymous short story by Jean-Paul Sartre from the book "Nausea, words, wall." The name comes from the ancient story of Herostrat, the man who burned down the temple in Ephesus, one of the seven wonders, but the name of the architect is not known. In modern culture, his name is used as the archetype of the "black hero", a synonym for someone who wants to become famous for his crimes.

Jasna Nanut (Hrvatska), igrani, 24'

Boška posećuje Toma po prvi put. On im sprema večeru, a potom gledaju film. Kako veče odmiče Boška testira Tomovo strpljenje, pokušavajući da sazna da li je on "onaj pravi" muškarac za nju. Tom nema takvih sumnji. On je ubeđen da su već u vezi.

Boška visits Tomo for the first time. He cooks them a dinner; then they watch a movie. As the evening progresses, Boška tests Tomo’s patience, trying to find out whether he is Mr Right, or another Mr Wrong. Tomo seems to have no such doubts. He is convinced they are already in a relationship.

Trifun Sitnikovski (Makedonija), igrani, 4'

Kasno uveče, mladić zove svog najboljeg druga na telefon, plašeći se da nije sam u svom stanu.
Late in the night, a young man calls his best friend, fearing that he might not be alone in his apartment.

Eleonora Veninova (Makedonija), igrani, 14'

Dva vremešna stanovnika udaljenog sela ogorčeno vode raspravu oko toga ko će umreti prvi i dobiti jedino preostalo grobno mesto u selu.
Two aging inhabitants of a remote village lead a bitter fight over who dies first and gets the only remaining grave in the village.

Vuk Spasojević (Srbija), eksperimentalni, 2'

Eksperimentalni film u kome autor, dok peva pesmu, prikazuje relativnost protoka vremena.
An experimental film in which the author, while singing a song, presents the relative nature of the passage of time.

Maša Šaranović (Srbija), igrani, 12'

Dunja i njen dečko stižu u Beograd. On je ostavlja samu na trenutak, kada joj prilazi lokalni mladić i odbija da je ostavi na miru.
Dunja and her boyfriend arrive in Belgrade. He leaves her alone for a second, when a too friendly local guy appears and refuses to leave her alone.

Katarina Koljević (Srbija), igrani, 17'

Đorđe mora da se odluči između maske i svog pravog lica. Mora da smisli kako da se nosi sa onim što oseća. Ognjen je odlučio da će se boriti za svoj život i svoju ljubav. Realnost menja sve između njih.
Đorđe has to choose between his mask and his real face. He has to figure out how to deal with what he feels. Ognjen chose he will fight for his life and his love. Everything changes when reality crushes between them.

Alisa Debelić (Srbija), igrani, 20'

Čekajući svog čoveka da joj pomogne u ispunjenju snova, mlada devojka upoznaje šarmantnu osobu.
Waiting for her man to help her fulfilling her dreams, young girl meets a charming person.

Jure Pavlović (Hrvatska), igrani, 13'

Emir (15), u pratnji radnika socijalne službe, odlazi u posetu ocu Safetu, na vikend piknik u Igman, poluotvoren zatvor. Kasne zbog saobraćajne gužve...
Sarajevo, rush hour. EMIR (15), accompanied by a SOCIAL WORKER, is on his way to meet his father SAFET for a weekend picnic at Igman, a semi-open penitentiary. Due to the heavy traffic they are late...

Georgi M. Unkovski (Makedonija), igrani, 13'

Kada smotani kadet (Mirce) udruži snage sa starijim, mrzovoljnim detektivom (Pepi), Skoplje dobija svoj duo u borbi protiv kriminala.
Da li će ovo neizvesno partnerstvo između Pepija i Mirce privesti lokalne kriminalce pravdi i umiriti Skoplje? Verovatno ne, ali njihovo prijateljstvo možda još uvek ima šansu.

When a clumsy cadet (Mirce) joins forces with an old grumpy detective (Pepi) Skopje gets its own crime-fighting duo.
Will the unlikely partnership of detectives Pepi and Mirce bring the local criminals to justice and put the city of Skopje at peace? Probably not, but their friendship might still have a chance.

Tomaž Pavkovič (Slovenija), dokumentarni, 5'

Bitlsti su legendarni bend iz Srbije. Afirmisali su se kroz svoju muziku i nastupe koji do tada nisu bili viđeni na muzičkoj sceni. Film je kratki prikaz benda na jednom koncertu u Ljubljani.
Bitlsti are a legendary band from Serbia. They established their status through their music and performance, which don't resemble anything ever seen before on the music scene. The film is a short portrait of the band on one of their concerts in Metelkova City in Ljubljana.

Judita Gamulin (Hrvatska), igrani, 18'

Dve porodice dolaze u bolničku posetu svojim očevima koji dele sobu. Jedna porodica se sebično raspravlja o trivijalnim problemima, dok druga ima potpuno drugačiju perspektivu. Cveće je za slavlje, ali i za groblje.
Two families are visiting their fathers that share a room in the hospital. One family is selfishly arguing about their trivial problems, while the other one has a completely different perspective. Flowers are for celebration, but also for the cemetery.

Josip Lukić (Hrvatska), igrani, 10'

Antun je kao svi ostali trinaestogodišnjaci. Mlađi brat mu ide na živce.
Antun is no different than other 13-year-olds. His little brother is getting on his nerves.

Mirela Srebrić (Srbija), animirani, 12'

Ekvilibrijum je futuristička bajka koja opominje o ravnoteži u prirodi. Devojka ima hobi sakupljanja insekata. Jedne noći u njenom stanu se pojavljuje leteći posetilac sa, naizgled, romantičnim namerama. Upuštajući se u romansu, glavna junakinja i ne sluti da je očekuje obrt, koji će dovesti do fatalne metamorfoze.
Futuristic fairytale about balance in nature. Girl’s hobby is collecting insects. One night a romantic visitor shows up. In an innocent romance with a twist, Girl experiences fatal destiny.

Nikola Končarević (Srbija), dokumentarni, 22'

1985. godine raspao se kultni novosadski punk bend Dva minuta mržnje. Jedna od njihovih pesama zvala se "Zašto da živim?". Kroz priču gitariste Saše Ivanovića Sajle, film nastoji da ispita kako 30 godina kasnije Saša i ostali članovi originalne postave, odgovaraju na pitanje koje su postavili. Gde su sad? Da li hrišćanstvo i pank mogu zajedno? Može li čovek da se odrekne svoje mladosti? Ko je od njih našao odgovor?
The cult punk band from Novi Sad "Dva minuta mržnje" has been disformed in 1985. One of their songs was called "Why should I live?". Through the story of guitarist Sasa Ivanovic Sajla, film explores how  Sasha and the other members of the original cast, correspond to the question they asked 30 years ago. Where are they now? Can Christianity and punk exist together? Can a man give up on his youth? Has one of them found the answer?

Damir Bašić (Bosna i Hercegovina), igrani, 8'

Melanholičan prizor proplanka prekida zvuk mase. Svi su krenuli na mesto odakle će se rastati od voljene osobe. Njihova postojanja zauvek kreću odvojenim putevima - fizički i mentalno.
Melancholic scenery of a glade is  interrupted by the sound of human horde approaching. Everyone is heading to the place where they will be parted from a loved one. Their existence continues on  separate ways - physically and mentally.

Senad Sahmanović (Crna Gora), igrani, 22'

Ovo je film o stanju uma, velikim refleksijama i još većim odlukama donesenim u malom selu, uobličenom dugogodišnjim običajima i tradicijom. Ovo je priča o muškarcu i ženi koji su izgubili sina u nesretnom slučaju tokom konflikta sa sinom prvih komšija.
Tranquillity of Blood is a film of the state of mind, great reflections and even greater decisions made in a little village shaped by the long-standing customs and tradition. This movie is about a man and a woman who lost their son several years ago in a misfortunate conflict with the son of their first neighbours who killed him in negligence.

Milana Nikić (Srbija), dokumentarni, 11'

Naše žudnje su jedno, kako smo odgajani je drugo, a mogućnosti stvarnog sveta su nešto sasvim treće. Dokumentarni film koji ispituje značenje reči ljubav u modernom svetu.
Our desires are one thing, how we are raised another, while the possibilities of the real world are something entirely different. A documentary that questions the meaning of the word Love in modern world.

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