среда, 26. октобар 2016.

Međunarodna selekcija – „Challenge accepted“

Leonardo van Dijl (Belgija), igrani, 15'

Aksel, mlada i obećavajuća teniserka ostaje u očajanjz nakon što saznaje Džeremi, njen privlačni trener, ostaje zadržan na daljem ispitivanju. U vrtlogu tračeva i emocija, Aksel gaji svoja duboka osećanja čekajući ponovni susret sa Džeremijem. Nakon što on biva trajno uklonjen iz njenog života, ona shvata da njena ćutnja nije uspela da spase njenog heroja. Prvi put u životu ona se susreće sa gubitkom ljubavi, koje je ona sudija.
Axelle, a young, promising tennis player is left in increasing desperation when she learns that Jeremy, her attentive coach, remains detained for further questioning. While rumors and emotions fly, Axelle secretly harbors her deep-felt emotions awaiting their reunion. When ultimately Jeremy proofs permanently removed from her life, young Axelle is faces with the realization that her silence did not suffice to save her hero. For the first time in her life she experiences a loss of love, of which ultimately only she is Umpire.

Jacintho Muinos (Australija), igrani, 15'

U manjku emocionalne stabilnosti i boreći se sa adolescencijom, usamljeni Kejn priteran je uz zid od strane ozloglašene bande vršnjaka. Tražeći odmazdu, stvari izmiču kontroli i Kejnov fragilni svet prerasta u živi košmar. Postavljen u 1980.godinu, u ruralnoj Viktoriji, Kejn je stravičan portret ozlojeđene mladosti i mladog mušarca koji istražuje veze između izolacije, straha i nasilja.
Lacking emotional stability and struggling with adolescence, reclusive Kane is pushed to the brink by a vicious gang of boys. In seeking retribution, matters spiral out of control and Kane’s fragile world swiftly becomes a living nightmare.
Set in 1980s rural Victoria, KANE is a terrifying portrayal of resentful youth and young manhood that explores the links between isolation, fear and violence.

Catherine Cosme (Belgija), igrani, 27'

Sara živi sa mlađom sestrom Muš i majkom Alinom u kampu. Kraj sezone se bliži, kada mladi Lilian dolazi u kolektiv. Svaku od njih njegov dolazak dovodi do konfrontacije sa svojim težnjama i budi u njima promenu. Prvi put između ove tri žene stvara se rivalitet.
Sara lives with her younger sister Mouche and their mother Aline in a camping during all year. The end of the season approaches when a young man, Lilian, comes to make a replacement.
This meeting will lead each of her to confront with the desire and the changes he provokes in them.
The rivalry settles down for the first time between the three women.

Mohamed Kamel (Egipat), igrani, 15'

Nour, srednjoškolka koja živi sama sa ocem prolazi kroz krizu kada naprasno postaje žena. To ne može da kaže svom ocu, a on ne shvata ovu promenu u njenom životu, što rezultuje u tenziji između njih.
Nour, is a schoolgirl who lives alone with her father, goes through a crisis when she suddenly becomes a woman and cannot tell her dad and her dad cannot understand this change that occurred in her life, which results in tension between them.

Roman Safin (Rusija), igrani, 13'

Mladi par i njihov najbolji prijatelj skaču iz aviona. Zalazak sunca, slobodan pad, tlo je sve bliže. Jedan od padobrana se ne otvara. Jureći dole u slobodnom padu, shvataju da je svo poverenje izgubljeno.
Skydivers are jumping out of a plane - a young couple and their best friend. Sunset, free-fall, the ground is closer and closer. One of the parachutes fails to deploy. Rushing down in free-fall they realize that it is all about trust that has been lost...

Tung Hsiao - Chieh (Tajvan), animirani, 3'

Priča o devojčici i njenoj zlatnoj ribici Alfi. Jednog dana Alfa prestaje da pliva, devojčica je zbunjena i ne razume šta se dešava. Pokušava da iznađe odgovor uprkos tome što joj drugi govore isitnu. Za devojčicu, njena ljubav prema Alfi je iznad smrti i večna.
The story of the animation is about a girl and her gold fish named Alpha. One day, Alpha stopped swimming, the girl was confused and couldn't understand what was happening. She tried hard to find out an answer despite that people keep telling her the truth. To the girl, her love for Alpha is beyond death, and everlasting.

Chadwick Whitehead (Sjedinjene Američke Države), animirani, 3'

Avokado slučajno stvara tortilja čips koji želi da ga pojede. Njegov prijatelj paradajz mu pomaže da uništi napast i nauči da ceni prirodu. Ali, to nije sve...
An avocado inadvertently invents tortilla chips that want to eat him. His tomato friend helps him destroy the menace and he learns to appreciate nature. But wait...

Benoit Masocco (Francuska), igrani, 5'

Lusi i Džozefin su zajedno duže vreme. Kako bi očuvale svoju ljubav intaktnom, one imaju sopstvenu strategiju.
Lucy and Josephine have been together for a long time. To keep their love intact, they have their own special strategy...

Tatiana Poliektova (Australija), animirani, 2'

Živeći u modernom svetu, previše smo zauzeti dnevnom rutinom i ovisni o tehnologiji, pa tako katkad zaboravimo da prava lepota ovog sveta leži ispred naših očiju.
Living in the modern world we are too busy with our daily routines and addicted to technologies that sometimes we forget that the real beauty of this world is right in front of our eyes.

Brau - Mouret Sarah (Francuska), igrani, 6'

Izabel odeva kralja. Ceo svoj život ona poznaje samo crninu. Strašni monstrum, kog privlače boje napada kraljevstvo već više od veka, primoravajući seljane da obaviju svoje okruženje u tamu. Ali Izabel nikada nije videla tog monstruma.
Isabelle is the King's dressmaker. In all her life, she has known only black. A frightening monster, attracted to color has been terrorizing the kingdom for more than a century, forcing the villagers to darken their surroundings. But Isabelle has never seen such a monster...

Monika Stpiczynska i Bartek Tryzna (Poljska), dokumentarni, 2'

Vojtek i njegov otac Džordž skupljaju kartonske kutije.
Wojtek and his dad George collect cardboard boxes.

Eva Sigurdardottir (Island), igrani, 15'

Sofija shvata da ako ne možeš da ih pobediš... pa, bolje je da im se pridružiš. U svojoj borbi za prihvatanjem od strane popularnih devojčica u razredu, Sofija žrtvuje svoja moralna načela i prava prijateljstva. Ko god je rekao da su tinejdžerke bezazlene... bio je daleko od istine!
Sofia, who realizes that if you can’t beat them, well then you better join them. In her quest to be accepted by the popular girls in her class, Sofia finds herself sacrificing her true friendships and morals. Whoever said that teenage girls were innocent… well, they were so wrong!

Florian Grolig (Nemačka), animirani, 7'

Iznad oblaka je mirno i spokojno. Ali haos vreba iz daljine svako veče, približavajući se.
It's calm and peaceful above the clouds. But chaos lurks in the distance and each night, it draws closer.

Krzysztof Komander (Poljska), igrani, 19'

Mladić pokušava da raskine sa svojom devojkom, ali stvari se komplikuju kada biva prebijen i mora da provede nekoliko dana kod nje kući.
A young man tries to break up with his girlfriend, but everything gets complicated, when he get beaten and he needs to spend few more days with her in her place.

David M. Lorenz (Nemačka), igrani, 11'

Zimsko je nedeljno veče. Nemački stan. Na televiziji uobičajene vesti o izbegličkoj krizi na obali Italije. U kuhinji se servira suši. Par iz više srednje klase se taman udobno namestio u fotelju kada se čuje zvonce...
A wintry Sunday evening. A German apartment. On television, the usual news about refugee disasters on the coast of Italy, in the kitchen Sushi is being stacked on a plate. An upper middleclass couple is just getting cozy on the sofa, when the doorbell rings...

Leonard Garner (Nemačka), igrani, 19'

Konstantin, mladi kicoš izvlači svaki knjiški trik kako bi bio srećan pored svoje udate i znatno starije ljubavnice Izabele, dok u isto vreme izbegava protektivnost svoje majke. Ovo je sočan i slatko ironičan portret edipovske konfuzije berlinske više srednje klase.
Flamboyant, young Konstantin pulls every trick of the book to jolly along his married and significantly older mistress Isabelle, while at the same time dodging the overprotectiveness of his mother, in this lush and lovingly ironic portrait of oedipal confusion in Berlin's upper middle class.

Patrick Buhr (Nemačka), animirani/eksperimentalni, 12'

Ovde si jer si dosadan. Pusti da audio-vizuelno iskustvo prodre u tvoju podsvest.
"You are here, because you are boring. Let the audio-visual experience sink into your subconscious."

Daniel Moshel (Austrija), eksperimentalni, 5'

Nakon što su se Elfie i njen sin, štreber, August uspešno dokazali na njihovoj veb kameri u filmu MeTube 1, ovaj pomalo čudan par kreće na ulicu da predstavi svoj najveći, najhrabriji i najseksipilniji operski fleš mob kojem je internet ikada svedočio!
After Elfie and her nerdy son August successfully proved themselves on their home webcam in MeTube 1, the odd pair venture onto the street to present the biggest, boldest, and sexiest operatic flash mob the internet has ever witnessed!

Ygor Gama (Nemačka), eksperimentalni, 15'

Prvo su bombe boja i nemiri.
Tvitovi naređuju šta treba da se radi.
Otpor je svuda. Nešto mora da se da.
Dvoje mladih aktivista sreću se usred turbulentnih dešavanja.
Oni plešu. Grad pripada njima.

First it's paint bombs, followed hard by riots.
Tweets proclaim what is to be done.
Resistance is everywhere. Something has to give.
Two young activists meet amid turbulent events.
They dance. The city belongs to them.

Zora Rux (Nemačka), animirani/igrani, 5'

Nemački jezik je veoma fleksibilan: reči mogu da se nadovezuju formirajući nove. Rediteljka Zora Ruks meša animaciju i živu akciji praveći humoristički prikaz dešavanja u čovekovom mozgu nakon što pročita veoma komplikovanu reč. Blago se rugajući intelektualnom jeziku, film istražuje kako različite jezičke strukture utiču na način našeg razmišljanja.
The German language is very flexible: one can simply string words together in order to create new ones. Director Zora Rux blends animation and live-action in order to make a humorous account of what happens inside the brain of a man reading an extremely complex word. Gently mocking intellectual language, the film investigates how different language structures affect the way we think.

Susana Casares (Španija), igrani, 14'

Vođena strahom da ne izgubi prijatelje, Silvia (10) ih je pozvala da prespavaju kod nje... ali stvari se iskomplikuju jer tvoj dom možda nije baš ono što tvoji prijatelji smatraju domom.
Pushed by the fear of losing her friends, Silvia (10) has invited them to a sleepover... but things can be complicated when your home is not exactly what your friends may call a home.

David Oeo (Španija), igrani, 3'

Kao i svakog vikenda, Jaime se vraća kući nakon žurke, ali ovaj put mu treba malo duže do kuće...
Like every weekend, Jaime returns home afterparty, but this time, it will take a little longer to get...

Anne Murat (Francuska), eksperimentalni, 14'

Ovaj umetnički film je portret Ysabel de Maisonneuve, stvarateljke i pesnikinje, za koju he zanat pre svega spiritualna umetnost. Radila je za pozorišne legende poput Peter Brook, Yoishi Oida i Ariane Mnouchkine, kao i za svetski priznate modne dizajnere. Ona donosi svoje umeće i inspiraciju u ličnim kreacijama, od Japana do Atlantika, otkrivajući materijale i boje, čineći da tekstil stvara veze i lepotu.
This art film portrays Ysabel de Maisonneuve, a sensitive creator and poet, for whom handicraft is primarily a spiritual art. She worked for theater masters like Peter Brook, Yoishi Oida or Ariane Mnouchkine as well as world fashion designers.She delivers her expertise and inspiration in her personal creations, from Japan to the Atlantic Ocean, revealing materials and colours, forging textile to create connections, and a sense of beauty.

Atton Paul (Sjedinjene Američke Države), animirani/eksperimentalni, 1'

Animirani lutka film.
Snimljen na telefonu iPhone 6 i montiran na iPad mini-ju u periodu od 5 meseci.
Elementi napravljeni od papirnog kolaža, šljokica, perja i kristala se sjedinjuju u ovoj animacji za sve uzraste.

A delightful celebratory animated film using paper puppets.
Filmed entirely on iPhone 6 and edited on iPad mini during a period of about five-months.
Paper collage elements, glitter, feathers and crystals unite in this celebration animation for both young and old.

Ehsan Mollazadeh (Iran), eksperimentalni, 5'

Svet fantazije oko savremene budućnosti gde je život suviše brz za nas i nismo u stanju da razmišljamo o sopstvenom životu! Ljudi jednostavno mogu biti deo savremenog potopa... U ovom svetu, neko se suočava sa znakovima koji ga teraju da razmišlja o prošlosti...
A fantasy world about modernity of future; where the life is too fast for us to be able to think about our life! People just can be a part of the modernity flood. In this world, somebody faces some signs, which makes him think about his past…

Santos Diaz (Španija), igrani, 21'

Marija ima siguran posao i dovoljna je samoj sebi. Očeva bolest je vodi do analize pomešanih osećanja. Huan predaje časove muzike i zauzet je sviranjem. Marija i Huan, koji su nekada bili zajedno, uživaju u prijateljstvu koje je zasnovano na obostranoj brizi. Niz viđanja i neslaganja će ih dovesti do momenta iskrenosti.
María has a steady job and is a self-sufficient woman. Her father's illness takes her into analyzing mixed feelings. Juan gives lessons as a music teacher and keeps himself busy playing. María and Juan, once together in the past, enjoy a friendship based on mutual concern. A series of meetings and disagreements will take them to a moment of sincerity.

Marco Gadge (Nemačka), igrani, 15'

Tomas želi život koji uključuje samo njega i njegovu devojku... ali kada ona raskine s njim, taj san se ruši.
Tada upoznaje Annemarie na odmaralištu. Dok čudnoj ženi govori o svojoj propaloj vezi, on shvata da, šta god da se desi, ma koliko mračno i užasno stvari izgledale, uvek postoji razlog da se živi punim plućima.

Thomas is on his way to a life that includes only himself and his girlfriend… but when she breaks up with him, the dream goes up in smoke.
Then he meets Annemarie at a lonely rest stop. As he tells the quirky old woman about his failed relationship, he comes to realize that, whatever happens, however dark and horrible things seem, there are always reasons to jump into life with both feet.

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